The best recipe recording app available today. Share or save your personal family recipes with whomever you wish to.
Record or upload video recipes into the app.
Save handed down recipes for future generations in full action digital format.
Never lose a recipe because an index card or a cookbook gets misplaced.
Share with the public if you want to or for easy family connect-ability.
Easily save your favorite recipes for easy retrieval or to follow your favorite member's videos. Save your favorite recipes for easy retrieval and new recipe updates from those you follow.
Cook alongside cherished relatives beyond life's borders.
Build your family recipe legacy in the privacy of your own group that can only be accessed and seen by friends and family that you approve of.
Build your cooking recipe network by sharing your favorite recipes with the world and creating a following. Create your own cooking channel with Handed Down or utilize this new platform as an opportunity to optimize your community and network.
Share and pass down your coveted recipes in a video format with Handed Down App!